Author: Keller, O.
Paper Title Page
MOPAB41 Feasibility Study of a Novel, Fast Read-out System for an Ionization Profile Monitor Based on a Hybrid Pixel Detector 128
  • O. Keller, B. Dehning, M. Sapinski, L.S. Swann
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  The ability to continuously monitor the transverse beam size is one of the priorities for the upgrade and consolidation of the CERN Proton Synchrotron for the High Luminosity LHC era. As well as providing an average beam size measurement throughout the acceleration cycle, the requirements also cover bunch-by-bunch measurements of up to 72 bunches with a bunch spacing of 25 ns within 1 ms. An ionization profile monitor with a hybrid pixel detector read-out is therefore being investigated as a possible candidate to provide such measurements. In this contribution the concept, based on a Timepix chip, is presented along with first laboratory measurements showing the imaging of low-energy electrons in a vacuum.