Author: Hwang, J.G.
Paper Title Page
TUO4AB02 Beam Physics Challenges in RAON 226
  • D. Jeon, H. Jang, J.-H. Jang, H.J. Kim, I. Shin
    IBS, Daejeon, Republic of Korea
  • J.G. Hwang, E.-S. Kim
    KNU, Deagu, Republic of Korea
  Construction of the RAON heavy ion accelerator facility is under way in Korea. As high intensity 400 kW superconducting linac (SCL) is employed as a driver, beam physics aspects are carefully studied. The SCL is based on lattice consisting of cryomodules and quadrupole doublets. Beam dynamics studies for the RAON has progressed to cover start-to-end simulations and machine imperfection studies confirming beam loss less than 1 W/m. At present, prototyping of major components are proceeding including 28 GHz ECR ion source, RFQ, superconducting cavities, magnets and cryomodules. First article of prototype superconducting cavities have been delivered that were fabricated through domestic vendors. Prototype HTS quadrupole is under development. Progress report of the RAON accelerator systems is presented.  
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