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Heavy-ion Cyclotron Gymnastics and Associated Beam Dynamics Issues |
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- N. Fukunishi
RIKEN Nishina Center, Wako, Japan
Isochronous cyclotrons have been indispensable tools of nuclear physics research for nearly 50 years because they are suited to obtain energetic heavy ions with sufficient intensity in spite of its compactness and relatively low construction costs. The heavy-ion cyclotron will be a potential candidate for a driver accelerator in future high-intensity heavy-ion facilities such as the “second-generation” radioactive beam facilities. Success of the heavy-ion cyclotron in the future strongly depends on available beam intensity obtained under moderate construction costs. In my presentation, after a brief introduction of fundamentals related to the heavy-ion cyclotron, several beam-intensity-limiting factors will be discussed for the cyclotron of separate sector type, laying much emphasis on longitudinal space charge effect and its influence on beam extraction. Although the space charge effect strongly depends on ion energy, we will cover the energy range of 0.7 ~ 345 MeV/nucleon based on our experiences on the design studies for and the operation of the ring cyclotrons currently working at RIKEN Radioactive Beam Factory.
Slides MOZLR09 [7.569 MB]