Paper | Title | Page |
WGC14 | A Triplet Insertion Concept for the PS2 H- Injection | 326 |
The PS2, foreseen as a replacement of the CERN PS, is designed as a racetrack shaped machine with two long straight sections (LSS) for injection/extraction and RF, respectively. Two injection and three extraction systems are required, and in the present study are designed to fit in either a six-cell FODO or a seven-cell DOFO insertion, with a central triplet in order to fit the complete H- injection in one long drift. This study covers the optimisation of the LSS optics and the arrangement and characteristics of the various insertion elements. The main focus lies on the H- injection embedded in the triplet cell with the design of the chicane and painting bump according to the limits of Lorentz-stripping, excited H0 behaviour and the focusing effects of the chicane dipoles on the overall optics. |