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First A/Q=3 Beams of Phoenix V2 on the Heavy Ions Low Energy Beam Transport Line of SPIRAL2 |
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- C. Peaucelle
IN2P3 IPNL, Villeurbanne, France
- J. Angot, P. Grandemange, T. Lamy, T. Thuillier
LPSC, Grenoble Cedex, France
- J.-L. Biarrotte
IPN, Orsay, France
- D. Uriot
The heavy ions low energy beam transport line (LEBT) of Spiral2 built at LPSC Grenoble is fully operational since the beginning of 2010. This LEBT has been calculated and designed to hold permanently 15 mA of multicharged ions extracted from the source at 60 kV. PHOENIX V2 ECRIS is presently installed on the LEBT and first tests started few months ago: A reliable beam of 1 mAe of O6+ beam at 45 kV has already been obtained for a long period with a very good transmission, and good reproducibility. Tests continue with an optimization of Ar12+ beam performance. The promising results of these first runs, particularly emittance measurements, profiles and optimization of charge optics will be presented along. The ECRIS Phoenix V2 and different equipments installed on this line (vacuum system, optic elements, diagnostics
) will be described. The future program and planned improvements on the LEBT will be also discussed in this paper.
Slides TUCOAK01 [2.402 MB]
Trace Space Reconstruction From Pepperpot Data |
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- H.R. Kremers, J.P.M. Beijers, S. Brandenburg, V. Mironov, J. Mulder, S. Saminathan
KVI, Groningen, The Netherlands
We use a pepperpot emittance meter to determine the full transverse trace-space distribution of low-energy ion beams. One of the problems encountered with our emittance meter is that the correlation between the measured ion images and the holes in the pepperplate is somewhat ambiguous caused by the convoluted character of the trace-space distribution. In this paper we describe a method to solve this problem and illustrate it with measurements of the 4d transverse trace-space distribution behind the analyzing magnet of a 21 keV He1+ beam extracted from the KVI-AECR ion source. From these measurements together with ion-transport simulations we conclude that second-order aberrations in the analyzing magnet cause a significant increase in the effective beam emittance.
Slides TUCOAK02 [3.474 MB]
Plasma-to-Target WARP Simulations of Uranium Beams Extracted from VENUS Compared to Emittance Measurements and Beam Images |
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- D. Winklehner, J.Y. Benitez, D. Leitner, M.M. Strohmeier, D.S. Todd
LBNL, Berkeley, California, USA
- D.P. Grote
LLNL, Livermore, California, USA
The superconducting ECR ion source VENUS was built as injector for the 88-Inch Cyclotron at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) and as prototype injector for the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) in Michigan. This work presents the latest results of an ongoing effort to simulate both, the extraction from ECR ion sources, and the Low Energy Beam Transport (LEBT). Its aim is to help understand the influence of parameters like initial ion distributions at the extraction aperture, ion temperatures and beam neutralization on the quality of the beam and to provide a design-tool for increasing the efficiency of the extraction- and transport-system. The initial conditions (i.e. spatial- and velocity-distribution of the ions prior to extraction from the ion source) are obtained semi-empirically by tracking the ions of different species from sputter marks on the biased disk on the far end of the source to the extraction region by following the magnetic field lines and scaling the Larmor radii of the ions appropriately. Extraction from the plasma and consequently the source is then simulated with the versatile WARP simulation code. The same code is also used for the actual simulation of ion transport through the beam line. Simulations of multi-species Uranium beams with different drain currents, initial ion temperatures and levels of neutralization in the beam line are compared to each other and to emittance measurements and beam profiles of VENUS beams.
Slides TUCOAK03 [2.382 MB]
Production of Highly Charged U Ion Beam from RIKEN SC-ECRIS |
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- Y. Higurashi, M. Fujimaki, A. Goto, H. Haba, E. Ikezawa, O. Kamigaito, M. Kase, M. Komiyama, T. Nakagawa, J. Ohnishi, Y. Watanabe
RIKEN Nishina Center, Wako, Japan
- T. Aihara, M. Tamura, A. Uchiyama
SHI Accelerator Service Ltd., Tokyo, Japan
In 2008, we successfully produced 345 MeV/u U beam (~0.4 pnA on target) for RIKEN RIBF project. However, to meet the requirement of the RIBF (primary beam intensity of 1pμA on target), we still need to increase the beam intensity. To increase the beam intensity of U ion, we started to make a test experiments for production of U ion beam from the new SC-ECRIS. In this experiment, we produced 2~1.5 pμA of medium charge state U ion (ex., 55 eμA of U31+, 57 eμA of U27+) at the RF power of 1.2 kW with sputtering method. For testing the effect of the ionized gas on the U ion beam, we chose Ar, Ar + O2 and O2 gas for producing U ion beam. In this experiment, we observed that the beam intensity of lower charge state of U ion beam (<33+) was increased and the emittance of the U ion beam was decreased from ~0.1 π.mm mrad (1rms) to 0.05 π.mm mrad with adding Ar gas to O2 gas. Using this method, we supplied U35+ beam for ~1 month without break for the RIBF experiment. In this contribution, we present the experimental results for production of U ion beam from SC-ECRIS in detail and future plan to increase the U ion beam intensity.
Slides TUCOAK04 [1.709 MB]