Author: Vacher, T.V.
Paper Title Page
TUPOT003 A New BETSI Test Bench at CEA/Saclay 117
  • S. Nyckees, Y. Gauthier, C.M. Mateo
    CEA/IRFU, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
  • G. Adroit, O. Delferrière, R.D. Duperrier, R. Gobin, F. Harrault, O. Napoly, B. Pottin, Y. Sauce, F. Senée, O. Tuske, T.V. Vacher
    CEA/DSM/IRFU, France
  By the 90s, CEA has undertaken to develop the production of high intensity light ion beams from plasma generated by electron cyclotron resonance (ECR). Important results were obtained with the SILHI source in pulsed or continuous mode. Presently, CEA/Saclay is now involved in the construction of different injectors dedicated to large infrastructures like IFMIF or Spiral 2. Other installations are also interested by high intensity ion sources like ESS or FAIR. To improve and test new sources, a new test bench named BETSI (Banc d'Etudes et de Tests des Sources d'Ions) is now operating for several months. Low energy beam line diagnostics consist of a Faraday cup, cameras and a species analyzer. The SILHI emittance scanner can also be installed on the beam line. On this test bench, different permanent magnet source configurations are tested. In order to modify plasma chamber size and shape, a new ECR source design is developed. An experimental study of the plasma visible light emitted through electrodes was implemented on BETSI using a monochromator. Extracted beam intensity of a permanent magnet source is compared to plasma light emission. Results obtained with monochromator will be compared with SOLMAXP code in order to explore radio frequency wave and plasma interaction.  
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TUPOT017 CEA/Saclay Light Ion Sources Status and Developments 156
  • R. Gobin, C.M. Mateo, S. Nyckees
    CEA/IRFU, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
  • G. Adroit, G. Bourdelle, N. Chauvin, O. Delferrière, Y. Gauthier, P. Girardot, F. Harrault, C. Marolles, B. Pottin, Y. Sauce, F. Senée, O. Tuske, T.V. Vacher, C. Van Hille
    CEA/DSM/IRFU, France
  After several years of high intensity light ion beam production with the SILHI source, CEA Saclay is now involved in the construction of different injectors dedicated to large infrastructures like IFMIF or Spiral 2. Other installations are also interested by high intensity ion sources like ESS or FAIR. Such machines plan to produce and accelerate proton or deuteron beams in pulsed or continuous mode. The SILHI source, based on ECR plasma generation, already demonstrated its performance in both modes. As a consequence, at present time the construction of 2 new injectors for Spiral 2 and IFMIF (source and low energy beam lines) is in progress at CEA/Saclay. This article will report on the status of both installations. It will also point out on additional developments presently under progress for high intensity beam characterization or plasma production understanding. Such developments are mainly done with the new BETSI test bench operating for several months.  
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