Author: Tasset, O.
Paper Title Page
MOCOCK01 PK-ISIS: a New Superconducting ECR Ion Source at Pantechnik 26
  • A.C.C. Villari, C. Bieth, W. Bougy, B.N. Brionne, X. Donzel, G. Gaubert, R. Leroy, A. Sineau, O. Tasset, C. Vallerand
  • T. Thuillier
    LPSC, Grenoble, France
  The new ECR ion source PK-ISIS was recently commissioned at Pantechnik. Three superconducting coils generate the axial magnetic field configuration while the radial magnetic field is done with multi-layer permanent magnets. Special care was devoted in the design of the hexapolar structure, allowing a maximum magnetic field of 1.32 T at the wall of the 82 mm diameter plasma chamber. The three superconducting coils using Low Temperature Superconducting wires are cooled by a single double stage cryo-cooler (4.2 K). Cryogen-free technology is used, providing reliability, easy maintenance at low cost. The maximum installed RF power (18.0 GHz) is of 2 kW. Metallic beams can be produced with an oven (Tmax = 1400 °C) installed with an angle of 5° with respect to the source axis or a sputtering system, mounted in the axis of the source. The beam extraction system is constituted of three electrodes in accel-decel configuration. Description of the source and results of the magnetic measurements will be given. Performances of the source in terms of beam intensities and charge states distribution will be presented.  
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TUPOT006 Using Mass-Flow Controllers for Obtaining Extremely Stable ECR Ion Source Beams 127
  • X. Donzel, W. Bougy, B.N. Brionne, G. Gaubert, A. Sineau, O. Tasset, C. Vallerand, A.C.C. Villari
  • R. Leroy
    GANIL, Caen, France
  Beam stability and reproducibility is of paramount importance in applications requiring precise control of implanted radiation dose, like in the case of Hadrontherapy. The beam intensity over several weeks or months should be kept constant. Moreover, the timing for changing the nature of the beam and, as a consequence, the tuning of the source should be minimized. Standard valves usually used in conjunction of ECR ion sources have the disadvantage of controlling the conductance, which can vary significantly with external conditions, like ambient temperature and inlet pressure of the gas. The use of flow controllers is the natural way for avoiding these external constraints. In this contribution we present the results obtained using a new model of Mass-flow controller in the source Supernanogan, for production of C4+ and H3+ beams. Extremely stable beams (± 2.5%) without retuning of the source over several weeks could be obtained. The reproducibility of the source tuning parameters could also be demonstrated.  
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TUPOT004 Microgan ECR Ion Source in a Van de Graaff Accelerator Terminal 120
  • G. Gaubert, C. Bieth, W. Bougy, B.N. Brionne, X. Donzel, A. Sineau, O. Tasset, C. Vallerand, A.C.C. Villari
  • C. Chavez-de-Jesus, T. Gamboni, W. Geerts, G. Giorginis, R. Jaime Tornin, G. Lövestam, W. Mondelaers
    JRC/IRMM, Geel, Belgium
  The Van de Graaff accelerator at IRMM works since many years providing proton, deuteron and helium beams for nuclear data measurements. The original ion source was of RF type with quartz bottle. This kind of source, as well known, needs regular maintenance for which the accelerator tank must be completely opened. The heavy usage at high currents of the IRMM accelerator necessitated an opening about once every month. Recently, the full permanent magnet Microgan ECR ion source from PANTECHNIK was installed into a new terminal platform together with a solid state amplifier of 50W, a dedicated dosing system for 4 gases (with respective gas bottles H2, D2, He and Ar), and a set of dedicated power supplies and electronic devices for the remote tuning of the source. The new system shows a very stable behavior of the produced beam allowing running the Van de Graff without maintenance for several months. This contribution will describe the full installed system in details (working at high pressure in the terminal, spark effects and optic of the extraction).  
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