Author: Simkin, J.
Paper Title Page
THCOAK02 Kinetic Plasma Simulation of Ion Beam Extraction from an ECR Ion Source 194
  • S.M. Elliott, E.K. White
    Thin Film Consulting, Longmont, Colorado, USA
  • J. Simkin
    Vector Fields Ltd., Oxford, United Kingdom
  Designing optimized ECR ion beam sources can be streamlined by the accurate simulation of beam optical properties in order to predict ion extraction behavior. The complexity of these models, however, can make PIC-based simulations time-consuming. In this paper, we first describe a simple kinetic plasma finite element simulation of extraction of a proton beam from a permanent magnet hexapole electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) ion source. Second, we analyze the influence of secondary electrons generated by ion collisions in the residual gas on the space charge of a proton beam of a dual-solenoid ECR ion source. The finite element method (FEM) offers a fast modeling environment, allowing analysis of ion beam behavior under conditions of varying current density, electrode potential, and gas pressure.  
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