Author: Simkin, J.
Paper Title Page
THCOAK02 Kinetic Plasma Simulation of Ion Beam Extraction from an ECR Ion Source 194
  • S.M. Elliott, E.K. White
    Thin Film Consulting, Longmont, Colorado, USA
  • J. Simkin
    Vector Fields Ltd., Oxford, United Kingdom
  De­sign­ing op­ti­mized ECR ion beam sources can be stream­lined by the ac­cu­rate sim­u­la­tion of beam op­ti­cal prop­er­ties in order to pre­dict ion ex­trac­tion be­hav­ior. The com­plex­i­ty of these mod­els, how­ev­er, can make PIC-based sim­u­la­tions time-con­sum­ing. In this paper, we first de­scribe a sim­ple ki­net­ic plas­ma fi­nite el­e­ment sim­u­la­tion of ex­trac­tion of a pro­ton beam from a per­ma­nent mag­net hexapole elec­tron cy­clotron res­o­nance (ECR) ion source. Sec­ond, we an­a­lyze the in­flu­ence of sec­ondary elec­trons gen­er­at­ed by ion col­li­sions in the resid­u­al gas on the space charge of a pro­ton beam of a du­al-solenoid ECR ion source. The fi­nite el­e­ment method (FEM) of­fers a fast mod­el­ing en­vi­ron­ment, al­low­ing anal­y­sis of ion beam be­hav­ior under con­di­tions of vary­ing cur­rent den­si­ty, elec­trode po­ten­tial, and gas pres­sure.  
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