Author: Peaucelle, C.
Paper Title Page
TUCOAK01 First A/Q=3 Beams of Phoenix V2 on the Heavy Ions Low Energy Beam Transport Line of SPIRAL2 75
  • C. Peaucelle
    IN2P3 IPNL, Villeurbanne, France
  • J. Angot, P. Grandemange, T. Lamy, T. Thuillier
    LPSC, Grenoble Cedex, France
  • J.-L. Biarrotte
    IPN, Orsay, France
  • D. Uriot
    CEA/DSM/IRFU, France
  The heavy ions low energy beam transport line (LEBT) of Spiral2 built at LPSC Grenoble is fully operational since the beginning of 2010. This LEBT has been calculated and designed to hold permanently 15 mA of multicharged ions extracted from the source at 60 kV. PHOENIX V2 ECRIS is presently installed on the LEBT and first tests started few months ago: A reliable beam of 1 mAe of O6+ beam at 45 kV has already been obtained for a long period with a very good transmission, and good reproducibility. Tests continue with an optimization of Ar12+ beam performance. The promising results of these first runs, particularly emittance measurements, profiles and optimization of charge optics will be presented along. The ECRIS Phoenix V2 and different equipments installed on this line (vacuum system, optic elements, diagnostics…) will be described. The future program and planned improvements on the LEBT will be also discussed in this paper.  
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TUCOCK01 Beam, Multi-Beam and Broad Beam Production with COMIC Devices 99
  • P. Sortais, J. Angot, T. Lamy, J. Médard
    LPSC, Grenoble Cedex, France
  • C. Peaucelle
    IN2P3 IPNL, Villeurbanne, France
  The COMIC discharge cavity is a very versatile technology. We will present new results and devices that match new applications like: molecular beams, ultra compact beam line for detectors calibrations, quartz source for on-line application, high voltage platform source, sputtering /assistance broad beams and finally, a quite new use, high energy multi¬-beam production for surface material modifications. In more details, we will show that the tiny discharge of COMIC can mainly produce molecular ions (H3+). We will present the preliminary operation of the fully quartz ISOLDE COMIC version, in collaboration with IPN-Lyon, we will present a first approach for a slit extraction version of a three cavity device, and after discussing about various extraction systems on the multi discharge device (41 cavities) we will show the low energy broad beam (2 KV) and high energy multi-beams (10 beams up to 30 KV) productions. We will specially present the different extraction systems adapted to each application and the beams characteristics which are strongly dependent on the voltage distribution of an accel-accel two electrodes extraction system.  
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