Author: Neri, L.
Paper Title Page
WECOAK02 Some Considerations About Frequency Tuning Effect in ECRIS Plasmas 165
  • D. Mascali, G. Castro, L. Celona, G. Ciavola, N. Gambino, S. Gammino, R. Miracoli, L. Neri
    INFN/LNS, Catania, Italy
  • F. Maimone
    GSI, Darmstadt, Germany
  During the last years many experiments have demonstrated that slight variations in microwave frequency used to heat and sustain the plasma of ECRIS may strongly influence their performances (frequency tuning effect) both in terms of extracted current and mean charge state. Theoretical investigations revealed that this phenomenon can be correctly explained assuming that the plasma chamber works as a resonant cavity: standing waves are excited inside of it, and their spatial structure considerably changes even with slight variations of the pumping frequency. Therefore some particular modes present a higher electric field on the resonance surface, that is the only region in which the energy transfer from waves to electrons occurs. Experimental measurements carried out on microwave discharge plasmas at high density (up to 1011 cm-3) featured that even if the absorption of electromagnetic energy at the ECR surface is evident, the stochastic nature of the wave-electron interaction allows the wave to be reflected at the extraction flange, thus forming a standing wave. The model here proposed, and based on PIC and MonteCarlo collisional simulations, puts in evidence that the frequency tuning effect in ECRIS has a global influence on plasma properties: it strongly affects both ion and electron dynamics. Electron heating, electron density distribution, ion formation and acceleration at resonance surface, beam formation are determined by the particular mode excited inside the cavity. This means that the frequency tuning will be an important tool for future ECRIS for the optimization of the beam quality (emittance, etc.).  
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