Author: Loew, T.J.
Paper Title Page
MOCOAK04 Status of the VENUS ECR Ion Source 11
  • D. Leitner, P. Ferracin, A. Hodgkinson, M. Leitner, T.J. Loew, C.M. Lyneis, G.L. Sabbi
    LBNL, Berkeley, California, USA
  • G. Machicoane, E. Pozdeyev
    NSCL, East Lansing, Michigan, USA
  The fully superconducting 28-GHz VENUS ECR ion source serves as prototype injector for the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) project at Michigan State University (MSU) as well as injector ion source for the 88-Inch Cyclotron at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). As such the source has produced many record beams of high charge state as well as high-intensity, medium charge state ions. As the FRIB project has now entered the preliminary design phase, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory is involved in the design of two new VENUS-like ECR injector ion sources for the FRIB facility. This paper will review the requirements for the FRIB injector, and present VENUS cryostat design changes which will allow installation on a 100 kV platform. In addition, a possible future upgrade path for the FRIB injector using an advanced Nb3Sn magnet structure is described. In 2008, at LBNL the VENUS ECR ion source experienced a major setback when one of the sextupole leads evaporated during a quench caused by a low liquid helium level in the cryostat. The repair process and the long reconstruction effort as well as the status of the reinstallation will be described.  
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