Author: Kremers, H.R.
Paper Title Page
TUCOAK02 Trace Space Reconstruction From Pepperpot Data 78
  • H.R. Kremers, J.P.M. Beijers, S. Brandenburg, V. Mironov, J. Mulder, S. Saminathan
    KVI, Groningen, The Netherlands
  We use a pepperpot emittance meter to determine the full transverse trace-space distribution of low-energy ion beams. One of the problems encountered with our emittance meter is that the correlation between the measured ion images and the holes in the pepperplate is somewhat ambiguous caused by the convoluted character of the trace-space distribution. In this paper we describe a method to solve this problem and illustrate it with measurements of the 4d transverse trace-space distribution behind the analyzing magnet of a 21 keV He1+ beam extracted from the KVI-AECR ion source. From these measurements together with ion-transport simulations we conclude that second-order aberrations in the analyzing magnet cause a significant increase in the effective beam emittance.  
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