Author: Ikezawa, E.
Paper Title Page
TUCOAK04 Production of Highly Charged U Ion Beam from RIKEN SC-ECRIS 84
  • Y. Higurashi, M. Fujimaki, A. Goto, H. Haba, E. Ikezawa, O. Kamigaito, M. Kase, M. Komiyama, T. Nakagawa, J. Ohnishi, Y. Watanabe
    RIKEN Nishina Center, Wako, Japan
  • T. Aihara, M. Tamura, A. Uchiyama
    SHI Accelerator Service Ltd., Tokyo, Japan
  In 2008, we successfully produced 345 MeV/u U beam (~0.4 pnA on target) for RIKEN RIBF project. However, to meet the requirement of the RIBF (primary beam intensity of 1pμA on target), we still need to increase the beam intensity. To increase the beam intensity of U ion, we started to make a test experiments for production of U ion beam from the new SC-ECRIS. In this experiment, we produced 2~1.5 pμA of medium charge state U ion (ex., 55 eμA of U31+, 57 eμA of U27+) at the RF power of 1.2 kW with sputtering method. For testing the effect of the ionized gas on the U ion beam, we chose Ar, Ar + O2 and O2 gas for producing U ion beam. In this experiment, we observed that the beam intensity of lower charge state of U ion beam (<33+) was increased and the emittance of the U ion beam was decreased from ~0.1 π.mm mrad (1rms) to 0.05 π.mm mrad with adding Ar gas to O2 gas. Using this method, we supplied U35+ beam for ~1 month without break for the RIBF experiment. In this contribution, we present the experimental results for production of U ion beam from SC-ECRIS in detail and future plan to increase the U ion beam intensity.  
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