Author: Gulbekyan, G.G.
Paper Title Page
MOCOBK02 Present Status of FLNR (JINR) ECR Ion Sources 17
  • S.L. Bogomolov, V.B. Bekhterev, V.M. Drobin, A. Efremov, B. Gikal, G.G. Gulbekyan, Yu.K. Kostyukhov, N. Lebedev, V.N. Loginov, V.V. Seleznev, Yu. Yazvitsky
    JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region, Russia
  Six ECR ion sources have been operated in the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions (JINR). Two 14 GHz ECR ion sources (ECR4M and DECRIS-2) supply various ion species for the U400 and U400M cyclotrons correspondingly for experiments on the synthesis of heavy and exotic nuclei using ion beams of stable and radioactive isotopes. The 18 GHz DECRIS-SC ion source with superconducting magnet system produce ions from Ar up to W for solid state physics experiments and polymer membrane fabrication at the CI-100 cyclotron. The third 14 GHz ion source DECRIS-4 with “flat” minimum of the axial magnetic field is used as a stand alone machine for test experiments and also for experiments on ion modification of materials. The other two compact ECR ion sources with all permanent magnet configuration have been developed for the production of single charged ions and are used at the DRIBs installation and at the MASHA mass-spectrometer. In this paper, present status of the ion sources, recent developments and plans for modernization are reported. Also the results of the preliminary test of the DECRIS-SC2 ECR source will be presented.  
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