Author: Gulbekyan, G.G.
Paper Title Page
MOCOBK02 Present Status of FLNR (JINR) ECR Ion Sources 17
  • S.L. Bogomolov, V.B. Bekhterev, V.M. Drobin, A. Efremov, B. Gikal, G.G. Gulbekyan, Yu.K. Kostyukhov, N. Lebedev, V.N. Loginov, V.V. Seleznev, Yu. Yazvitsky
    JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region, Russia
  Six ECR ion sources have been op­er­at­ed in the Flerov Lab­o­ra­to­ry of Nu­cle­ar Re­ac­tions (JINR). Two 14 GHz ECR ion sources (ECR4M and DE­CRIS-2) sup­ply var­i­ous ion species for the U400 and U400M cy­clotrons cor­re­spond­ing­ly for ex­per­i­ments on the syn­the­sis of heavy and ex­ot­ic nu­clei using ion beams of sta­ble and ra­dioac­tive iso­topes. The 18 GHz DE­CRIS-SC ion source with su­per­con­duct­ing mag­net sys­tem pro­duce ions from Ar up to W for solid state physics ex­per­i­ments and poly­mer mem­brane fab­ri­ca­tion at the CI-100 cy­clotron. The third 14 GHz ion source DE­CRIS-4 with “flat” min­i­mum of the axial mag­net­ic field is used as a stand alone ma­chine for test ex­per­i­ments and also for ex­per­i­ments on ion mod­i­fi­ca­tion of ma­te­ri­als. The other two com­pact ECR ion sources with all per­ma­nent mag­net con­fig­u­ra­tion have been de­vel­oped for the pro­duc­tion of sin­gle charged ions and are used at the DRIBs in­stal­la­tion and at the MASHA mass-spec­trom­e­ter. In this paper, pre­sent sta­tus of the ion sources, re­cent de­vel­op­ments and plans for mod­ern­iza­tion are re­port­ed. Also the re­sults of the pre­lim­i­nary test of the DE­CRIS-SC2 ECR source will be pre­sent­ed.  
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