Author: Feuchtwanger, J.
Paper Title Page
TUPOT007 Preliminary Design of BLISI, an Off Resonance Microwave Proton Source 130
  • S. Djekic, I. Bustinduy, D. Cortazar, D. Fernandez-Cañoto, H. Hassanzadegan, J.L. Munoz, D. de Cos
    ESS Bilbao, Bilbao, Spain
  • F.J. Bermejo
    Bilbao, Faculty of Science and Technology, Bilbao, Spain
  • M.A. Carrera, J.H. Galipienzo
    AVS, Eibar, Gipuzkoa, Spain
  • V. Etxebarria, J. Jugo, J. Portilla
    University of the Basque Country, Faculty of Science and Technology, Bilbao, Spain
  • J. Feuchtwanger, I. Rueda
    ESS-Bilbao, Zamudio, Spain
  • J. Lucas
    Elytt Energy, Madrid, Spain
  A new high cur­rent off res­o­nance mi­crowave H+ source is cur­rent­ly in the last stages of de­sign at ESS-Bil­bao, in col­lab­o­ra­tion with two ex­ter­nal com­pa­nies Elytt and AVS. The de­sign is in­tend­ed to be a high-sta­bil­i­ty, high-cur­rent ion source ca­pa­ble of de­liv­er­ing a 70 mA pro­ton beam with a 70 keV en­er­gy at the end of the ex­trac­tion. The plas­ma sys­tem de­signed by Elytt con­sists of a wa­ter-cooled plas­ma cham­ber that sits be­tween two in­de­pen­dent­ly pow­ered mag­net­ic coils that gen­er­ate the ECR mag­net­ic field; in ad­di­tion they can be moved in­de­pen­dent­ly to fur­ther shape the mag­net­ic field in the cham­ber. A CPI 2.7 GHz klystron pro­vides the mi­crowave en­er­gy and a fully con­trolled mi­crowave sys­tem to min­i­mize re­flect­ed power and im­prove the source over­all per­for­mance is also under con­struc­tion. The ex­trac­tion col­umn de­signed by AVS will con­sist of a mov­able tetrode sys­tem de­signed for a max­i­mum ac­cel­er­a­tion po­ten­tial of 70 kV, the shape of the elec­trodes is at an ear­li­er de­sign stage at ESS-Bil­bao. We will pre­sent the cur­rent lay­out of the source, sim­u­la­tions and schemat­ics of the source.  
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