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Electrostatic Storage Rings and eV-energy Electron Cooling, the CSR
- A. Shornikov, K. Blaum, F. Fellenberger, M. W. Froese, M. Grieser, C. Krantz, M. Lange, A. Wolf, R. von Hahn
MPI-K, Heidelberg
- L. Schweikhard
Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität, Greifswald
In this talk we present progress in electron cooling in the new and yet unexplored area of ultra-low energy for the sake of laboratory astrophysics, molecular and cluster physics. During the last few years the group in Heidelberg pushed the limit of low energy cooling in experiments with CF+ (54 eV), HS+ (47 eV), DCND+ (44 eV) and D2Cl+ (34 eV). The achieved energies are on the edge of possibility for the existing TSR facility. To pursue the research after the TSR will be shut down in 2013 and extend the energy range down to 1 eV energy, giving access to even heavier molecules, a new Cryogenic Storage Ring (CSR) is under construction at MPIK. The ring represents a bridge between cooler storage rings and electrostatic trapping devices and follows new approaches for most of its key parts, from ion creation to fragment imaging with cryogenic detectors. The electrostatic, XUHV, medium size ring is equipped with a dedicated electron cooler of a special design, which is being built in parallel with it. On both sides the construction advanced strongly in the last two years. In this contribution we would like to show to the community our recent results in "a few tens of eV" electron cooling at the TSR, give a status of the CSR project and outline the prospective experiments to be done after commissioning of the CSR in 2013.