TUCOA  —  Muon cooling   (13-Sep-11   09:30—10:00)

Paper Title Page
TUCOA01 Helical Cooling Channel Developments 67
  • R. P. Johnson, C. Y. Yoshikawa
    Muons, Inc, Batavia
  • Y. S. Derbenev, V. S. Morozov
    JLAB, Newport News, Virginia
  Helical Cooling Channels, based on the same helical dipole Siberian Snake magnets used for spin control in synchrotrons and storage rings, are now proposed for almost all stages of muon beam cooling that are required for high luminosity muon colliders. We review the status of the theory, simulations, and technology development for the capture, phase rotation, 6-D ionization cooling, parametric-resonance ionization cooling, and reverse emittance exchange sections of one of the candidate scenarios for a high-luminosity. high-energy muon collider.  
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