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MOIO07 |
Application of Cooling Methods to NICA Project
25 |
- G. V. Trubnikov
JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region
Application of cooling methods a NICA project
Numerical Investigation of Stochastic Cooling at NICA Collider
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- T. Katayama
GSI, Darmstadt
- I. N. Meshkov, G. V. Trubnikov
JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region
At the heavy ion collider NICA promoted at the Dubna, JINR, the stochastic cooling will play the crucial roles to manipulate the beam. The primary goal is to prevent the IBS diffusion effects to keep the high luminosity during the experimental cycle. The other main purpose is to accumulate the beam intensity up to several times 1·1010 from the injector NUCLOTRON with use of barrier bucket method. With this method, the short bunch formation is not necessary in the injector NUCLOTRON, and is transferred to the collider as a long bunch condition. After the BB accumulation the coasting beam is adiabatically bunched with the help of RF field and the stochastic cooling. In the present paper the detailed simulation results are presented for the above three process (mainly longitudinal freedom) .
TUPS11 |
Superconducting Shield for Solenoid of Electron Cooling System
118 |
- A. V. Smirnov, N. N. Agapov, D. E. Donets, V. M. Drobin, S. Kulikov, R. Pivin, G. V. Trubnikov
JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region
- G. L. Dorofeev
RRC, Moscow
The homogeneity of the magnetic field in the straight solenoid of the electron cooling system is the very important task. The superconducting solenoids are planned for electron cooling systems of collider rings of NICA project. To reach the necessary homogeneity in the straight section the superconducting shield was proposed. The experimental and numerical investigations of the field homogeneity with the superconducting shield are presented.
TUPS20 |
Demonstration of Longitudinal Stacking in the ESR with Barrier Buckets and Stochastic Cooling
140 |
- M. Steck, C. Dimopoulou, B. Franzke, O. E. Gorda, T. Katayama, F. Nolden, G. Schreiber
GSI, Darmstadt
- I. N. Meshkov, A. O. Sidorin, G. V. Trubnikov
JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region
- D. Möhl
CERN, Geneva
- R. Stassen, H. Stockhorst
FZJ, Jülich
Fast longitudinal beam accumulation has been demonstrated in the ESR at GSI with an Ar18+ beam coming from the synchrotron SIS18 at 400 MeV/u. Continuous application of stochastic cooling in all three phase space directions, merges the stack with the new injected bunch. Longitudinal beam compression was achieved by using either short barrier bucket rf pulses or by successive injections onto the unstable fixed point of the rf bucket at h=1. This recent experiment in the ESR provides the proof of principle for the planned longitudinal stacking of pre-cooled antiprotons in the HESR, injected from the CR.