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MOIO04 |
Beam Cooling at HESR in the FAIR Project
- D. Prasuhn, J. Dietrich, A. Lehrach, B. Lorentz, R. Maier, R. Stassen, H. Stockhorst
FZJ, Jülich
The High Energy Storage Ring (HESR) at the FAIR accelerator facility in Darmstadt will accumulate and accelerate anti-protons in the energy range between 1.5 GeV/c and 15 GeV/c. The design is optimized to fulfill the requirements of the internal experiment PANDA. For accumulation and to fulfill the demanding requirements of the experiment concerning momentum spread, and for the required long beam lifetime both electron and stochastic cooling are necessary. Simulation results and prototype measurements of the stochastic cooling equipment and simulations of the high energy electron cooling concept will be presented.
TUPS15 |
The Stochastic Cooling System of HESR
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- R. Stassen, H. Stockhorst
FZJ, Jülich
- T. Katayama
GSI, Darmstadt
- L. Thorndahl
CERN, Geneva
The HESR is the high energy storage ring (1.5-15 GeV/c) for antiprotons at the FAIR facility (Facility for Antiprotons and Ion Research) in Darmstadt (GSI). Stochastic cooling in the HESR is necessary not only during the experiments to fulfill the beam requirements, but also during the accumulation due to the postponed RESR. Extensive simulations and prototype measurements have been carried out to optimize the HESR stochastic cooling system with the new slot-ring couplers. The system design is now in the final construction phase for the mechanical tank layout and all active RF-components. First results of the optical notch-filter with automated frequency control and the 4-6 GHz slot-ring couplers will be presented.
TUPS20 |
Demonstration of Longitudinal Stacking in the ESR with Barrier Buckets and Stochastic Cooling
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- M. Steck, C. Dimopoulou, B. Franzke, O. E. Gorda, T. Katayama, F. Nolden, G. Schreiber
GSI, Darmstadt
- I. N. Meshkov, A. O. Sidorin, G. V. Trubnikov
JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region
- D. Möhl
CERN, Geneva
- R. Stassen, H. Stockhorst
FZJ, Jülich
Fast longitudinal beam accumulation has been demonstrated in the ESR at GSI with an Ar18+ beam coming from the synchrotron SIS18 at 400 MeV/u. Continuous application of stochastic cooling in all three phase space directions, merges the stack with the new injected bunch. Longitudinal beam compression was achieved by using either short barrier bucket rf pulses or by successive injections onto the unstable fixed point of the rf bucket at h=1. This recent experiment in the ESR provides the proof of principle for the planned longitudinal stacking of pre-cooled antiprotons in the HESR, injected from the CR.