Author: Struckmeier, J.
Paper Title Page
THPS033 Skew Quadrupole Effects on Multi-turn injection Efficiency in the SIS18 3490
  • W.M. Daqa, I. Hofmann, J. Struckmeier
    GSI, Darmstadt, Germany
  Funding: DAAD ( Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst)
One goal of the SIS18 upgrade scheme is concerned about improving the multi-turn injection (MTI) efficiency, in order to reach the required intensities at the targets and to operate effectively as a booster for SIS100. To improve the limitation of the MTI scheme, there were successful attempts in AGS and PS boosters, to use the skew injection scheme and later it was suggested for SIS18. The strength of the skew quadrupoles is optimized together with the horizontal tune, the difference in horizontal to vertical tunes, the incoming beam parameters and the geometrical limitation of SIS lattice. A good optimization implies the emittance exchange, due to linear coupling, to take place partially and just before the return of the beamlet back to its original position at the septum. The present work was done by simulation using the code PARMTRA and compared with measurements. The results show that, depending on the working point, the skew injection scheme can improve the MTI efficiency from 2% up to 12%, taking into account the loss on the septum from inside and on the vertical acceptance.