Author: Sotnikov, V.V.
Paper Title Page
THPS096 Neutron-physical Characteristics of the Subcritical Setup with Natural Uranium Blanket Bombarded by 4 GeV Deuterons 3660
  • M. Artiushenko, Y.T. Petrusenko, V.V. Sotnikov, V.A. Voronko
    NSC/KIPT, Kharkov, Ukraine
  • A.A. Patapenka, A.A. Safronava, I.V. Zhuk
    JIPNR-Sosny NASB, Minsk, Belarus
  An extended U/Pb-assembly was irradiated with an extracted beam of 4 GeV deuterons from the Nuclotron accelerator at the JINR, Dubna, Russia. Information on the spatial distributions of neutrons in the lead target and the uranium blanket was obtained with sets of activation detectors (natPb and natU) and solid state nuclear track detectors (SSNTD). Spatial distribution of the natPb, and natU fission reaction rates in the volume of the target and blanket installation were obtained using SSNTD techniques. Activation method was used to obtain the spatial distributions of 238U(n,g), 238U(n,f) reactions rates. The procedure of combining the track counting and gamma-spectrometry techniques for the determination of spectral indices is a new development. It includes gathering information from the same sample by SSNTD methods, i.e., counting the fission tracks of 238U, and also by gamma-spectrometry of 239Np production. Sets of spectral indices values (ratio of 238U(n,g) to 238U(n,f) reaction rates), representing the integral nuclear data were defined. Comparison between the experimental data and the calculations performed with the use of the computer numerical code FLUKA2008 was made.