Author: Osipov, N.F.
Paper Title Page
WEPS082 Development of FLNR JINR Heavy Ion Accelerator Complex in the Next Seven Years: New DC-280 Cyclotron Project 2700
  • G.G. Gulbekyan, S.L. Bogomolov, O.N. Borisov, S.N. Dmitriev, J. Franko, B. Gikal, I.A. Ivanenko, I.V. Kalagin, V.I. Kazacha, N.Yu. Kazarinov, N.F. Osipov, A. Tikhomirov
    JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region, Russia
  At present time four isochronous cyclotrons: U-400, U-400M, U-200 and IC-100 are in operation at the JINR FLNR. Total operation time is about 10000 hours per year. The U400M is a primary beam generator and U400 is as postaccelerator in RIB (DRIBs) experiments to produce and accelerate exotic nuclides such as 6He, 8He etc. One of the basic scientific programs which are carried out in FLNR - synthesis of new elements which demands intensive beams of heavy ions. Now U-400 is capable to provide long term experiments on Ca 48 beams with intensity of 1 pμA.In order to improve efficiency of the experiments for the next 7 years it is necessary to obtain the accelerated ion beams with the following parameters. Ion energy 4/8 MeV/n Masses 10/238 Beam intensity (up to A=50) 10 pμA Beam emittance less 30 π mm·mrad These parameters have underlain the project of new cyclotron DC-280.