Author: Opanasenko, A.
Paper Title Page
MOPS040 Intra-Bunch Energy Spread of Electrons in Powerful RF Linacs for Nuclear Physics Research* 691
  • V.V. Mytrochenko, M.I. Ayzatskiy, V.A. Kushnir, A. Opanasenko, S.A. Perezhogin, V.L. Uvarov
    NSC/KIPT, Kharkov, Ukraine
  Funding: Ukrainian State program of fundamental and applied studies on the use of nuclear materials, nuclear and radiation technologies in the fields of economics (YaMRT project No. 826/35)
There are some particles in RF electron linacs with energy that may be significantly different from that of particles within a core of the bunch. Loss of these particles at average beam power of tens of kilowatts can cause radiation and thermal problems. Filtration of such particles during the initial stage of acceleration, at energies below the threshold of photonuclear reactions, is important. The paper analyzes several ways to perform such type of filtration in the injector part of a powerful electron linac using a RF chopper or magnetic systems.