Author: Kuroda, R.
Paper Title Page
TUPC059 Study on Energy Compensation by RF Amplitude Modulation for High Intense Electron Beam Generated by a Photocathode RF-Gun 1132
  • Y. Yokoyama, T. Aoki, K. Sakaue, T. Suzuki, M. Washio, T. Yamamoto
    RISE, Tokyo, Japan
  • H. Hayano, N. Terunuma, J. Urakawa
    KEK, Ibaraki, Japan
  • S. Kashiwagi
    Tohoku University, Research Center for Electron Photon Science, Sendai, Japan
  • R. Kuroda
    AIST, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
  Funding: Work supported by JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(A)10001690 and JST Quantum Beam Program.
At Waseda University, we have been studying a high quality electron beam generation and its application experiments with a Cs-Te photocathode RF-Gun. To generate more intense and stable electron beam, we have been developing the cathode irradiating UV laser which consists of optical fiber amplifier and LD pumped amplifier. As the result, more than 100 multi-bunch electron beam with 1nC each bunch charge was obtained. However, it is considered that the accelerating voltage will decrease because of the beam loading effect. So we have studied the RF amplitude modulation technique to compensate the beam energy difference. The energy difference will caused by transient accelerating voltage in RF-Gun cavity and beam loading effect. As the result of this compensation method, the energy difference has been compensated to 1%p-p, while 5%p-p without compensation. In this conference, we will report the details of energy compensation method using the RF amplitude modulation, the results of beam experiments and the future plans.
WEPZ027 Stabilization of the LWFA and its Application to the Single-shot K-edge Densitometry 2823
  • K. Koyama, H. Madokoro, Y. Matsumura
    University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
  • R. Kuroda, K. Yamada
    AIST, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
  • H. Masuda, M. Uesaka
    The University of Tokyo, Nuclear Professional School, Ibaraki-ken, Japan
  • S. Masuda
    Osaka University, Suita, Osaka, Japan
  Funding: This work was supported in part by Global COE Program “Nuclear Education and Research Initiative,” MEXT, Japan
Injection of electrons into a laser wakefield accelerator (LWFA) via a wavebreaking process was investigated in order to obtain stable output of electron bunches. A density down ramp for occurring the wavebreaking was formed by an oblique shockwave, which was excited by setting a little flow-deflector on an edge of the supersonic nozzle of high-Mach number (M=5). Parameters of the jet were examined by using PIC code and evaluated by using an interferometer, the density was 1019cm-3, density ratio was 2, and the characteristic length was 70 microns. Injection experiments using 7-TW laser pulses suggested that electrons were injected in the density ramp. Since the all-optical Compton X-ray is attractive source for an accurate densitometry, a preliminary experiment of a single-shot K-edge densitometry was performed by using X-ray pulses generated by the laser-Compton scattering (LCS) device based on a compact S-band 40 MeV linac at AIST. The single-shot K-edge densitometry was also applicable to evaluate the transverse emittance of electron bunches.
THPC118 Present Status of Quantum Radiation Sources on the Basis of the S-band Compact Electron Linac 3164
  • R. Kuroda, E. Miura, H. Toyokawa, K. Yamada, E. Yamaguchi
    AIST, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
  • M. Kumaki
    RISE, Tokyo, Japan
  We have developed quantum radiation sources such as a laser Compton scattering (LCS) X-ray and a coherent THz radiation sources on the basis of the S-band compact electron linac at AIST in Japan. The S-band linac consists of the laser-driven photocathode rf gun and two 1.5 m-long acceleration tubes and can accelerate the electron beam up to about 42 MeV. The LCS X-ray source can generate a quasi-monochromatic hard X-ray with variable energy of 12 - 40 keV for medical and biological applications. Now, the multi-collision LCS system has been developed with the regenerative amplifier type laser storage cavity and the multi-bunch electron beam to increase the X-ray yield. On the other hand, the high-power coherent THz radiation source has been also developed and its peak power is estimated to be more than 1 kW in frequency range between 0.1 - 2 THz. The high-power THz radiation was applied to the scanning transmission imaging. Now, the high power THz time domain spectroscopy (TDS) has been developed for the material science. In this conference, we will report the present status of the S-band compact electron linac, our quantum radiation sources and applications.  
THPS090 Development of the Pulse Radiolysis System with a Supercontinuum Radiation using Photonic Crystal Fiber 3645
  • K.B. Ogata, R. Betto, Y. Hosaka, Y. Kawauchi, K. Sakaue, T. Suzuki, M. Washio
    RISE, Tokyo, Japan
  • S. Kashiwagi
    Tohoku University, Research Center for Electron Photon Science, Sendai, Japan
  • R. Kuroda
    AIST, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
  Funding: Work supported by JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) 10001690
In usage of radiation, it is important to study the process of chemical effects of ionizing radiation in a material. Pulse radiolysis is a method to trace these rapid initial chemical reactions by ionizing radiation. As a pump beam, we are using 5MeV electron beam produced from the S-band photo cathode RF-Gun. In nanosecond timescale pulse radiolysis, it is required the stable probe light of a broad spectrum. And especially in picosecond timescale pulse radiolysis, probe light should have short pulse width to use stroboscopic method. Therefore, in order to develop a wide range of timescale experimental system, we have been developing a Supercontinuum (SC) light as a probe light, which is generated by nonlinear optical process of short pulse IR laser in photonic crystal fiber (PCF). As a result, the SC light spectrum is broad enough to use as a probe light. Then we tried to measure the absorption spectrum of hydrated electron by SC light, we successfully observed good signal-noise ratio data both nanosecond and picosecond experiment with unified pulse radiolysis system. In this conference, we will report details of these results and future prospects.