Author: Kaneki, K.K.
Paper Title Page
TUOAB01 Lattice Design of a Very Low-emittance Storage Ring for SPring-8-II 942
  • Y. Shimosaki, K.K. Kaneki, T. Nakamura, H. Ohkuma, J. Schimizu, K. Soutome, M. Takao
    JASRI/SPring-8, Hyogo-ken, Japan
  The design work for an upgrade project of the SPring-8, the SPring-8-II, is in progress. Its ultimate goal is to provide a superior brilliance of photons by reducing emittance of electrons until a diffraction limit. A multi-bend lattice has been adopted for the emittance reduction; a double-bend lattice (natural emittance of 2000 pmrad at 6 GeV), a triple-bend lattice (400 pmrad) and a quadruple-bend lattice (170 pmrad) were designed step by step for studying its feasibility*. For an additional emittance reduction, beam dynamic issues for a sextuple-bend lattice have been examined for the first candidate. In this case, the natural emittance is about 70 pmrad. The dynamic aperture has been enlarged by studying beam dynamic phenomena caused by nonlinear dispersion, nonlinear chromaticity, nonlinear resonance, etc., and by optimizing linear and nonlinear optics. The lattice design for the coming upgrade of SPring-8 will be presented in detail.
* K. Soutome et al., "Design Study of a very Low-emittance Storage Ring for the Future Upgrade Plan of SPring-8", Proc. of IPAC10, WEPEA032, p. 2555 (2010).
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