Author: Corner, L.
Paper Title Page
TUPC158 Micron-scale Laser-wire at the ATF-II at KEK Commissioning and Results 1401
  • L.J. Nevay, G.A. Blair, S.T. Boogert, L. Corner, L.C. Deacon, V. Karataev, R. Walczak
    JAI, Oxford, United Kingdom
  • A.S. Aryshev, N. Terunuma, J. Urakawa
    KEK, Ibaraki, Japan
  We present the first results from the commissioning of the upgraded laser-wire experiment at the Accelerator Test Facility 2 (ATF2) at KEK. A new laser transport line and beam diagnostics were used to collide 150 mJ, 167 ps long laser pulses with 1.28 GeV, 30 ps long electron bunches to measure the vertical transverse size. Additionally, a new detector was installed with a reduced area for lower background. Initial scans showing a convoluted beam size of 19.2 ± 0.2 microns were used to tune the electron beam optics and reduce this down to 8.1 ± 0.1 microns. Laser pulse energy and charge dependency were investigated showing a linear relationship in both with a minimum laser energy of 20 mJ required for observable signal with this laser and setup.  
MOPO042 Photonic Crystal Fibre Laser for Electron Beam Emittance Measurement* 577
  • L. Corner, L.J. Nevay, R. Walczak
    Oxford University, Physics Department, Oxford, Oxon, United Kingdom
  We discuss the recent progress in the development of a high repetition rate, high energy fibre laser for intratrain laser-wire scans of transverse electron beam sizes. A commercial fibre laser (1uJ, 6.49MHz) is amplified in rod type photonic crystal fibre using a burst mode format, which has the advantage of allowing us to exploit very high transient gain while reducing the heat load deposited in the amplifier. The amplified pulses are over 180uJ spaced at 154ns, suitable for intratrain scanning at the ATF2. The spatial beam quality is excellent (M2 = 1.07), indicating that it will be possible to focus the laser to a spot size of ~ λ, enabling us to reach high intensities. The amplified pulse duration is 200ps, which can be compressed to less than the electron bunch length to increase the laser-wire signal to noise ratio. The performance of the laser system is analysed with respect to the demands of the laser-wire experiment.